Click here
to view the official Convention Invitation.
All attendees (including volunteers) must register using the state website registration link, even if not signing up for meals or hotel rooms.
A note about Delegates:
If you are one of the two delegates elected from your chapter, you should register as a Delegate EVEN IF you have another role within the state (e.g., State Project chair, Standing Committee Chair, etc.). Chapter delegate always takes precedence over other registration types.
There are
links next to many of the entry fields. Mouseover these links for more information (what to enter, meals).
Do not use the browser Back button to go back.
You will have the opportunity to review your entries and edit your personal details & meals/hotel when you reach Step 4.
Step 1: Enter your personal details.
You must supply name; badge name; email (if you don't have an email, use your chapter treasurer's); cell phone (if you don't have a cell phone use your home number); emergency contact name and number; chapter letter (if you do not have a chapter enter XX). If you have food requirements and/or need to request special meals, please let us know in the Food Requirements/Special Meals text box. Check the Accessible Hotel Room Requested checkbox, if needed, so that we can request an accessible room or one closest to the convention meeting rooms. Please let us know of any other specific needs in the Accessibility/Special Services text box. Click the
Step 2
button to continue.
Step 2: Choose a registration type.
If you are not sure what registration type applies to you, mouseover the ? to the right and then select "click here." A page describing each type will open in a new window/tab with more information. (Click on the X to close this page and return to the registration process). Click the
Step 3
button to continue.
Step 3: Choose your meals and hotel rooms.
Delegates should choose all meals and hotel for both Friday and Saturday. Other attendees should choose according to needs (costs are listed for each option). Click
Step 4
to continue.
A note about BILs and Guest(s):
If you are bringing a BIL and/or Guest, list them as your roommate(s) on your registration. Complete your registration, and then return to the original tab and create additional registrations for your BIL/Guest(s), listing yourself as your BIL/Guest's roommate on their registration. The BIL/Guest registration will have the opportunity to select Saturday activities of interest; BIL/Guest activities can be reviewed by clicking
Step 4: Confirm your registration.
If you need to make changes, click the "Edit" buttons to return to the personal details or meals/hotel pages. Once you are satisfied that you have made all of the correct selections, click the red
Submit Registration
button to complete your registration.
Note: If you reach Step 4 and need to change your registration type, you will have to cancel out and start a new registration with the correct type.
Step 5: Registration Invoice.
This page shows that your registration was submitted. The final step is to print the invoice. Click on the link to print your invoice and then use the red "Print This Page" button. Two (2) copies of the invoice must be printed. One copy should be given to your chapter treasurer and the other copy should be kept for your records. A confirmation will also be sent to the email address entered in Step 1. To register another person, close the invoice tab to return to the instructions page and start over. If you have any problems with the registration process, please contact Alice Bogert, Registration Chair (registrar.papeoconv2025@gmail.com) with your name and phone number and she will contact you at the earliest possible opportunity.
When you click the button below, the registration will open in a new browser tab. You can refer to these instructions by clicking over to the original tab. Please do not use the browser "Back" button. You will have an opportunity to review your entries and edit your personal details & meals/hotel when you reach Step 4.
I'm Ready to Register!